Benefits for Students

Students age 12-18 learn the art and craft of story while building self-confidence and skills in creative thinking and presentation.

  • Learn secrets of Dialogue, Characters, and world-building!

  • Grow in your ability to pitch ideas and work in teams to finish projects

  • Master the basics of story structure, scene creation, plot, pacing, and more...

  • Understand the language of film, and study film stories in a fun atmosphere such as our popcorn movie night, or campfire chats on-line.


Founder & Chief Instructor David Hohl

David Hohl has worked in various film industry positions since a young age. As a teen-ager he started in commercial production such as Macys, Dodge trucks, Prodigy, Gymboree, AT&T and many more. He later moved to Los Angeles to study film, and achieved a BA in Humanities with a film emphasis, and a professional studies certificate in Film & Video from UCLA. During his years in L.A. he had the opportunity to study at American Film Institute, UCLA, and other specialized seminars where he learned from the top screenwriters and directors in the world. He has written for Disney marketing as a writer/researcher on international press kits, including the writing of the academy award press kit and commercial for Beauty and the Beast.

David worked for several years at Screenmusic International in Sherman Oaks as a production manager, and as a music clearance administrator on such projects as Nickelodeon’s Alex Mack, Top Dog, John Williams’ Greatest Hits, and many others. In a sister company, Hollywood Media, he acted as a script reader and consultant for new film projects, a writer on K-Tel produced Halloween story albums, and assisted the Emmy award nominated president with film projects.

David has read hundreds of scripts as a paid consultant, studied film analysis/coverage at AFI & UCLA, has written 7 feature length scripts, and has studied with some of the top screenwriter instructors and directors in the world. David has been a five star rated script consultant for the past ten years, and is considered an Ink Tip “preferred consultant.”

His first feature production as director was distributed in 2009 by Maxim Media, Int., and was an Official Selection at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival. David has also done paid feature writing assignments for production companies in the horror/sci-fi genre. David is now concentrating his time on screenwriting and his Screenwriting School for kids and teens, Story Treehouse.

Some of his other activities are hiking, reading, religious studies, Japanese martial arts, and filmmaking.

Word of Mouth

Testimonials on David, the chief Instructor

Robert Hendrickson (writer of SAY GOODNIGHT, ROMEO)

"Your comments about the main characters arc were especially helpful. Most important to me, you understood what I was trying to accomplish and gave vital suggestions for developing the script's potential. I look forward to working with you in the future and I'd recommend your services to any aspiring screen writer."

Ari Mello (Writer of CAESAR)

"As a beginning screenwriter, Mr. Hohl's professional insight guided me in developing a marketable property. His constructive analysis was thorough, and his enthusiasm inspired me to work harder to create my vision. After using David Hohl's services twice, I give my highest recommendation. His reasonable fees are money well spent."


"David knows how to hone in on a script's weaknesses and was willing to custom-taylor my coverage for specific questions I had. Your money is well spent here." Note: Jay's script was optioned after analysis.

Martin Wheeler (Produced Writer of: 7 Seconds, Black Dawn, The Detonator)

"David's script analysis helped me look at my screenplay from a new perspective, allowing a more creative and solid re-writing process. I'd suggest using him before any rewrite, and certainly before sending any script out to market."

Wendy N (writer of SELFISH HELP)

"Thank you so much for the feedback on Selfish Help. I really appreciate your thoughtful and clever comments. I'm reading it through now and taking notes. Your suggestion for Scott's character arc is nothing short of brilliant!."

Holly Angel

"As a beginner screenwriter, David Hohl's expertise on how to write a screenplay has been priceless. David's patience, perseverance and unique ability to ask the right questions has challenged me as a writer not to settle for ordinary , but to dig deep and strive for extraordinary writing, that will capture an audience's attention. His one on one attention has given me all the tools I needed to begin my journey into writing my first screenplay!!! David is very motivating and encouraging and always positive! I am fortunate & thankful to be working with such a gifted writer and teacher!"

Nicole Jones-Dion

"The horror genre is a great point-of-entry for aspiring screenwriters and filmmakers. But you need an amazing script that will stand out from the pack. David Hohl gives you the tools and techniques to write a killer script that will help jumpstart your career."

Chris Soth (Million Dollar Screenwriting)

"David has worked with me several times and consulted on two scripts I'm producing. His analysis and discussion with my writers was an invaluable resource in getting the scripts into a polished state, ready for production."


  • Who is this course good for?

    Kids and teens aged 12-18 will learn story basics, creative thinking, working in teams, pitching ideas, and the language of film. Story can improve life and students learn this concept through daily use and building of self confidence.

  • How long is the course?

    The signature course called Story Teller is 12 weeks, but after graduation there are options for other classes or just staying part of the Story Treehouse community.

  • Are the classes done at a certain time of day?

    You can work on the class and view materials anytime you wish 24/7. There are certain set times for office hours if needed, as well as group meetings or live social events online.

  • Are there refunds on the Storyteller course?

    You can get a refund in full if cancelled within 72 hours of ordering. If you cancel up to week 5, you would get 50%, and after week 5 there is no refund.

  • Is the teacher good?

    David has taught online for several years, is a 5 star rated screenplay consultant, and has been a paid writer for feature film projects. He has studied with top writers and directors in Hollywood and at UCLA and AFI.

  • Is there a social aspect?

    Yes! The main course work is mainly solo during the 12 weeks, but there are times that group collaboration is done, such as in table reads, or Q&A office hours. We also have optional social live meetings online like the Popcorn Club where we watch movies and discuss story, or the fireside chat where the group talks live via video on any story topic. Students also interact with other students on community forums and chat.

  • How much is the course?

    The Storyteller course is a 12 week (3 month) course at a low affordable cost of $147/month or $441 for all three months. This includes the entire course, office hours, email support, and access to the full Story Treehouse community of chat, forums, and online meet-ups. We can also supply a written receipt if you get reimbursed by a charter school.

  • How long do I have access to the class?

    The twelve week course should be done in 12 weeks but we know sometimes life happens, so we give you access for double that time, or 24 weeks. You have access to the community during the first 12 weeks but for a small monthly fee you can stay involved in the community for as long as you'd like.

What we cover

A full course of storytelling, using techniques from motion picture screenwriting. A full twelve week course, with the first week free.